Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quick Update

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Nothing too exciting is happening right now, just continuing on my diet. Walking daily, watching what I eat and how much I eat. I gotta say, giving up soda is the hardest thing. This Saturday will mark two weeks into my diet. I have yet to stand on a scale to see what my weight is, but I think I will wait until the end of the month to do that.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter officially opens on Friday! I am so excited! I love that Universal is streaming the grand opening ceremonies live online, so that those of us who don't want to brave to crowds can see it. For those following me here, you too can watch the event at this website; http://www.grandopeningwebevent.com/

Question of the day: Where are all of you from? I'm curious to know what states or countries those of you who are following me here are from. Leave your answer in the comments below.


  1. It's me John from Largo, FL. Only 90 miles west of WDW!!

  2. I think that Coca Cola is definitely the hardest thing to limit. Hopefully it will just be a treat soon, instead of a daily drink. I'm so happy that you're turning this whole thing into a positive. Very inspiring!

    I'm following you from the north Atlanta 'burbs :)

  3. Good luck Banks with your weight loss!! I am currently at Weight Watchers trying to loose a few pounds before I get to Orlando. I am 5ft 4" and weight 210lbs. I am hoping to be able to ride FJ as I am travelling all the way from Australia to do it.
    I am so excited to see the new Harry Potter Land!!

  4. From Lakeland, Florida. Good luck with the diet. I know you can do it. :)

  5. All the way from Barrie, Ontario Canada. ( about 1 hour north of Toronto...)

  6. I am from a small town in the western part of Tennessee.
    I am going back to the Wizarding World in November!

  7. I am from Georgia and wish you luck in your quest. I hope to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter this winter.


  8. I'm from Waterloo, Ontario. Permanent residence in Toronto, Ontario.

    I'll definitely watching those streams as they open. The hard part is, Toy Story 3 comes out and I'll be watching that too! Hope the times don't collide

  9. Geh, I am trying to quit Diet Coke. It's killing me.

    I'm from the Salt Lake valley in Utah.

  10. I gave up Coke about a month ago when I started my diet, and have already lost a stone. It is a hard thing to give up though if you've got the taste for it.

    I'm for the UK (wales) by the way

  11. Hi Banks, I'm from Germany! I'm at 355 lbs right now, and I'm going to Universal in September this year... I'm losing weight right now, and I still have 12 more weeks, but I don't think that I can loose that much to fit in those seats...

    Greetings from Germany... Sven

  12. Tampa, Florida... Hi neighbor lol I will be going to the Wizarding World next week >< I'm so excited. I hope I fit into the seats.

  13. I joined your blog just to tell you good luck!!! It is so refreshing to see such a positive attitude! When you are finally able to ride the Forbidden Journey it's going to mean so much more to you than any other rider! I can't wait for more updates! :)

  14. I also am addicted to Coca-cola, I still have it once in a while, but I really like diet sodas now (not so much Diet coke though - leaves a funny after taste).

    I would have the say the best diet soda is Sprite Zero, very refreshing and still tastes sweet (or diet mountain dew code red). If you don't think that is good, I recommend trying sodas with Splenda in it.

    My trainer made me use that as a substitute for a while until I could stop completely.

    I know how it feels to not be able to go on a ride, happened to me at the fair. I know that you will do well with that positive attitude of yours! Keep it up!!

  15. Good luck keep going!!! In February 2005 I weighed 452 Lbs. I now weigh 290~ You will get there and will feel awesome!!!! http://thelugblog.com


  16. Hey Banks, I'm from Miami, Fl. I'm also a little pudgy in the middle and always having to "stuff" myself in these rides (even the ones with the bigger seats). I coming to Orlando to visit WWOHP in August and I'm hoping by then I'll be able to fit in the ride. Good luck on your journey.

  17. Hi Banks, I'm planning a trip to Orlando in the fall of next year just to go to the Harry Potter Park. I didn't realize that there was a weight restriction on any of the rides. Oh my, I've got some work to do-- and you've inspired me! We can do this!

    PS: I'm in California-- near Sacramento.

  18. Oh ya, I forgot to say this. I used to be addicted to Coca Cola before I left home for University. But now I have no problem with it. I guess if you don't have money, it makes not buying that stuff easier.

    I called it, the Poor Diet. It works pretty well, but you have to watch out for malnutrition =P

  19. I'm from Scotland. Good luck. I know how hard it is to loose weight but it can be done, I know I did to and I have no doubt you will too. We did the ride at a soft opening at it is great, will be well worth the effort.

  20. Keep going my friend.

    An inspiration to us all.

    Pete in Folkestone, in the UK.

  21. Hi, Banks!

    I'm from Ottawa, Canada. My husband is addicted to his Cola, too. He switched to diet caffeine-free sodas, and it made a big difference in his weight loss. So did cutting out alcohol (huge source of calories there!).

    Caffeine sounds like it shouldn't hurt, but (for us at least) it can make your blood sugars spike, which makes you hungrier.

    I really found it was important not to let my husband feel deprived when he was trying to lose weight. I cut back a little on the size of his meat portion and stopped serving rice, potatoes and bread. But I also bulked up hugely on salad and green veggies. And I made sure he ate regular snacks, like a small handful of almonds at 10am, even if he wasn't hungry right then.

    Good luck, and keep up the good work! I'm SO looking forward to visiting the WWOHP in December.

  22. Hello from Nashville, TN. I used to be addicted to Coke- try Coke Zero. No calories and it tastes great!! Good luck.

  23. You plight has motivated me too! I am going ing 5 weeks. I am 5'8" about 200. I am walking everyday, drinking alot of water and reducing carbs. I hope I get to ride FJ! I am so worried.

  24. Hi Banks!
    I am from Staunton, Virginia and actually just got back from Orlando and WWOHP today. I was there for the grand opening which was kind of a huge mistake but it couldn't be helped. My family and I had to plan the trip 6 months in advance to get the time off from work together. But I feel fortunate that at least it was open while I was there. It is an amazing experience, and I, like yourself am working on losing weight so that I can ride the Forbidden Journey. It's very hard for me due to a medical condition, but my doctors are working with me and I go to the gym 5 days a week so hopefully I will see progress. My plan is to return and be able to ride in December.
    Looking forward to seeing you succeed and I expect to hear how awesome the ride is.

  25. Well, I had a similar experience several years back with the Superman roller coaster at Six Flags over Georgia, so I can relate to your quest. You've got the right attitude, and I can tell you it was a great feeling to return to the ride and successfully fit in the seat!

    Good luck, and try Cherry Coke Zero for your soda fix. :)

    David in Atlanta

  26. Hi Banks,

    I'm a fellow gentleman of girth. At 6'4" 335 lbs, I'm hopeful to lose enough weight by my November 2010 trip to Orlando so I can go on this ride. I'm down 396 lbs since January, so I think I can knock off another 40 lbs or so by November.

    Mark from NJ

  27. Best of luck and thank you for letting us join you in your journey. I am currently living in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

  28. I wanted to wish you the best! I hope you keep posting updates and reach your goal soon!!

  29. Good luck, Banks! I know you'll get there soon. I rode yesterday after worrying that I wouldn't be able to. It was close, but I got in.

    You should know, though, that the seats outside said I wouldn't fit. Inside, I was good to go!

  30. from england but live in edinburgh - similar shape to you (138 kilos), however loosing roughly 2.5 lbs a week with 5 day workout program... have dropped from 151 kilos last summer... keep up the good work!

    if you have eaten for the day - remember, ice cold water with lemon.....

  31. Can I just say I REALLY admire what you're doing and wish you the best of luck with your weight loss goal. Good for you!

  32. Your attitude and goals are inspiring to Muggles everywhere. Keep up the good work!

  33. This is exactly the right attitude about not being able to fit on this ride! I am also trying hard to lose weight. I'm part of SparkPeople and it's free if you want to check it out. Keep up the great work!

  34. Buffalo, NY!!
    My husband, Stepson and I are coming back in August for our 4th trip to Disney! We're of course going to Universal to check this out!! Good Luck you can do it!!!

  35. It's really great of you to take an otherwise negative experience and turn it into a positive opportunity! I wish you the best of luck!

    -Charleston, SC

  37. good for you. i'm skinny, and i've always wondered why people didn't decide to take better care of themselves. whatever the reason, it's never too late to live a healthier life. i hope more people follow your model instead of blaming the "too-small" ride.

  38. I read about your limitations on the Harry Potter ride. I would like to pat you on the back for using the experience as motivation to lose weight, and thus increase your health. We have season passes to our Six Flags and believe it or not, I too have used ride limitations every year as a remindeer that I have to control my weight or I will perhaps someday too be asked not to ride an attraction. I have a naturally "fat" body type and little self control, lol.I know how hard it is. I want to wish you the best of luck.

    - St. Louis

  39. hi banks!

    cool name btw!
    i just know youre going to be successful!
    i am old! lol 51! and i work out 4-5 days a week- i am currently building MUSCLE.

    just keep moving! buy a salad spinner and go to the local market, load up on the salad fixings and grilled chicken. watch your sodium intake.. try not to eat processed foods as much, drink your water and keep moving!

    congratulations on your courage. wish you all the best!

  40. Fellow dieter from Macon, Georgia. May you soon reign from your enchanted bench with mercy and wisdom forever.

  41. I read about your quest on a Yahoo! news story--keep it up!
    --Katie from Kansas

  42. I am proud of you. I think it is terrible that they didn't think ahead and make the ride to accomodate everyone. However good for you that you want to get healthier. When you lose weight and exercise you will indeed be in better shape. Keep up the good work.

  43. This is what it's all about. Instead of getting whiny, you're doing something positive. You go BANKS!!!!

  44. I'm from Philadelphia, PA. =D
    Here to say that you got mentioned in a Yahoo! article. (Congrats and lookout for a bit more traffic on your blog!) Good luck on your weight loss and drink lots of water!

  45. Way to pick a meaningful and real goal!!! Will be following your journey from Portland, OR and wish you all the luck!

  46. Keep going : D Giving up soda is really hard, but I've been off it for years so I'm sure you (with how determined you are!) will get off it easily. Best Luck

  47. It's refreshing to see someone take responsibility for their situation and not just blame others! Your great attitude and hard work will pay off! I am working off 20 pounds (6'4" and 230 lbs) and already feel better after only a few days. Keep up the good work!

    Bowling Green, KY

  48. Wow, this is so great! I'm from Boulder, CO, and love HP! I'm so glad that you (and so many others) are on track to get healthier. From personal experience I have found that the 1st 4 or so weeks of life change (ie making exercise a priority and eating more natural foods) are the most difficult. Your palate gets accustomed to high salt, high processed sugar foods, and that's what tastes best to you. But, your palate will adapt to more natural sugars and foods, and your energy levels will increase with better diet and exercise and then you won't miss soda so much! Lots of good wishes, positive attitude, and good advice here as well! Good luck - to you and all others embarking on the same journey!

  49. I'm from Dallas, TX. Good luck to you! Try flavored sparkling water (like la croix brand) as an alternative to soda. It takes some getting used to, but it's good once you do.

  50. Hey Banks,

    Just read about your blog through yahoo news and wanted to say keep up the great work! I completely agree with the others I've seen commenting about how inspiring it is to see you take a negative experience and make changes because of it. I'll definitely be following your progress. Best of luck!

  51. Hi there... I'm from Albany, NY. I just read a news article on you, and I was pretty impressed by the fact that instead of getting angry and obnoxious because they wouldn't let you on the ride you decided to use it as a motivator for personal change. We need more people who approach life as you do. Best of luck!!

  52. Hey there, i'm from Connecticut, and i say if you want to do it, go for it. Losing weight can be a daunting task, but worthwhile. I've been fighting with my weight all my life and was over the 300 mark a few months ago. I've dropped 10 pounds now and am fighting to lose more, and now you've inspired me to want to fit in the ride too, so i can go with my nephew and have some great memories we can share. Nothing is too difficult if we put our minds to it, but the road always seems long at the beginning. You can do it, i'll be cheering for you and fighting my own weight battle too.
    Fight the good fight my friend!

  53. Banks,
    You are an inspiration to all! I am so proud of you for taking the "high road." Good luck in your challenge. Remember to drink 8 oz. of water an hour and eat 5-6 small meals that consist of fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats. We'll see you at the "3 clicks" mark soon enough. Stay away from processed foods and drinks-it's poison. This is why the body produces fat-to surround the toxins and keep it from killing you. Anything that says "DIET" run from man! It's poison.
    Your teacher-friend in California.

  54. I'm Crystal - from Arizona - and I heard about your blog through an article about the ride. I was really worried the article was going to say that people were suing the park or something equally ridiculous but when I read that you're actually using it to motivate you to lose weight I was so impressed!

    I wish you the best of luck in your journey. I personally put a lot of time and effort into staying in shape and I know how challenging it can be. Kicking soda is one of the best things you can possibly do. It's so bad for you (which, I'm sure, is why it tastes so good.) Keep up the battle! It's one of the best things you can do!

  55. Hi Banks! (:
    I'm actually only a kid from NJ, but I read about your blog on Movies Yahoo (it was part of an article about the rides.)

    Well I love Harry Potter, and I think it kinda sucks that you couldn't go on the ride the first time, but it's really great that you decided to change things for the better!

    Anyway, just saying: keep up the good work! You have a lot of supporters(:

  56. Northeast Louisisna. Keep it up!

  57. austin, TEXAS!!

    i love following people as they make good changes in their lives. and when harry potter is somehow involved it's even better! good luck!

  58. Hi there!

    I'm following you from Utah and I wish you the best of luck in this journey of yours. It's not easy, but I think in the end, it'll be truly worth it. Good luck with all that you set your mind to.

  59. Keep it up. I read about you on Yahoo and think what you're doing is great.

  60. This is awesome!!! Instead of griping at the park to change their ride you are turning it into a positive to change your life. Truly inspiring!!! Look into the TNT Diet, it really helped me. My name is Jeremy M. from Tyler, Texas.

  61. just want to share after i was to big to get on some of the rides at santa cruz calif. i went from 366.4 lbs to 273 .6 as of right now and am 6'3" and am now able to go on the rides...it has taken me since aug. 31st of 2009 to do this so dont give up...and soon i will be over 100lbs lost...u can do it...kevin morgan fresno,ca...

  62. Hello, I'm from Northern California. Great job and I'm sending encouragement your way. My son has a problem with rides too. He is 6'7" and they try to squeeze the rides closed and he feels very scared on the rides that his legs hang down. We noticed now they are posting some rides with a height restriction too. Good luck to you!!! ~lisa

  63. Hi, I read about you on Yahoo. I'm in Virginia, just wanted to say, three cheers for you and your goal! Keep it up!

  64. Do what I did. Substitute Diet Coke for Coke. It may take a bit to get used to the difference, but you'll get used to it. I made the switch and it helped me lose a lot of weight.
    I'm from San Francisco, by the way.

  65. Hi there!
    You can do it! I am from Seattle, Wa, and I just started following you (from the Yahoo article). Your story is inspirational! I really think that if you put your heart into it, you can do it! I have been *big* all of my life, and I know how it sucks. I am going to make the change too! This is our year!

  66. Well, I must admit, I found this on yahoo, but I'm very supportive. I'm also on the, erm, large side, and this is an inspiration to me, and I'm sure many people. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, so this might be an incentive to just lose a few pounds and then head down to see the Shangri-La of the Wizarding World.

  67. Hi there. I just read an article about you on Yahoo news and thought I'd swing by. I'm a gal with curves (what can I say, I love good food), and wanted to share that I've tried cutting out soda as well, and it isn't easy. For me, it's the taste and the caffeine that are both so appealing. Ah well. I need to try harder.

    Just wanted to wish you good luck from Hawaii.

  68. Hi Banks, I'm from Miami, FL and can't wait for the day you get on that ride!!

    I too was addicted to soft drinks and recommend going "cold turkey". You'll lose the taste for the stuff before you know it!

    Now I just drink water and have a homemade Splenda-sweetened lemonade here and there. I lost a little over 100 lbs. 9 years ago and have kept 70 lbs. of it off by getting rid of all soft drinks and "bad" carbs, including sugar.

    You can do it!! And it will feel amazing!!
    Good luck!!!!!!

    Darlene from Miami

  69. Good for you - instead of complaining about the ride - you're seizing the opportunity to improve yourself. On giving up soda - try canned seltzer water, it comes in many flavors. From WA.

  70. Hello Banks,

    Very well done, I hope you inspire other 3-click-less people to do the same.

    I dropped 40 pounds a few year back. I wasn't a soda drinker choosing beer instead. So I quit the alcohol and started drinking straight fizzy-water (carbonated)instead. I found the bubbles a good substitute as well as the zero calories that the non-sweetened water is. Calistoga was my favorite but it's tough to get right now and impossible East of the Missisip. Try out a few brands and see if it helps.

    I'm from California. Good luck.

  71. Hey Banks-read about your goal of "Three Clicks". I challenge you to come join our workout group - we have a great time and would love to see you there. We're in Orlando, let me know if you'd like more information. This isn't an ad, just thought you'd like to know about a group that has alot of success stories.

  72. Greetings from Minot, ND. I'm not a "potter" fan (though my wife is) but I admire what you are doing. So many folks seem to be quick to complain because they are "not the average Joe" and they EXPECT the world to cater to their unique "needs". You, however, realizing that you are not "the average Joe" (I am not either, btw) are doing what you can to meet the requirements set forth by the "Potter Ride" My hat is off to you. You have my support and respect. Best wishes and best of luck.
    - Mark

  73. Hey, I love your story and it is helping to keep my husband and me going on our own weight loss plans! We are planning a trip to WDW and Universal in December, so we are working to make sure that my husband can fit into the ride. I am 5'5" and started out at 178 (down to 171 after 3 weeks!). He is 5'8" and started at 265 (down to 254 after 3 weeks!) Keep it up and I can't wait till you are able to get on the ride! Good luck!

  74. Just wanted to say I support you all the way, love! You can do it, and when you do, you and I will finally be able to ride the ride together!

  75. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. you will hopefully be an inspiration to others to such situations into a positive thing. I just hope that people can see the rides requirements to be a reminder of healthy living, thoughts and goals. I am very proud of you and very supportive. Remember to be positive and happy, sometimes that is the most important ingredient. I started running one month ago and there are days when I literally have to jump out of bed from a nap, straight into my running shoes because if I don't do it that second I know I wont. Just follow through, as hard as it gets. Oh and one more thing; when I quit drinking soda I lost five pounds. Trust me you will learn to live with out. I find the one thing I miss most is the carbonation. Try L'croix carbonated, naturally flavored water, its a much healthier alternative. Best of Luck. L.H. -Missouri

  76. Vienna, Austria, EUROPE

  77. Keep up the good work. My mom is addicted to soda and has never really been able to kick the habit. You are an inspiration to so many people making drastic changes to their diets. It's hard like any addiction, we just think we need it, so we crave it. I drink PLAIN seltzer, no flavoring just seltzer now. For me, it was the bubbles. Again, keep kicking butt!

  78. Oops, I forgot to tell you~ we are from North Central Illinois!

  79. Hi Banks
    Wish you all the pounds gone so you can ride the ride and tell us all about it !!!
    I am norwegian living in spain, but we have been coming to Orlando yearly for the last 30 years,,and I cant wait to feel like a muggle and soak in the feeling of the Potter World.
    Be Enlightend !!

  80. Just read about you on Yahoo as well...I'm Tara from PA. Congrats on your goals & best of luck on your journey. We're hoping to see the new stuff in August on our next trip to WDW & O-town. Again - BEST OF LUCK! (FYI - Greek style yougurt is a great diet item - super high in protein low in sugar!)

  81. way to go--am sure you'll make it!
    from Florida-

  82. Just found this blog & wanted to drop in to wish you the best! I hope you're successful & get to ride Harry Potter!

  83. Greetings from Dallas and good luck on your quest buddy, stick to it!

  84. Oh i just posted the drink seltzer comment and I am from Brooklyn, NY. GO BANKS!

  85. Just wanted to say I read about you on yahoo and think what you're doing is awesome! Keep it up and good luck!

  86. Keep up the good work Banks! I know it gets hot in Orlando in the summer and exercise can be a drag . It looks like you go to the parks a lot. Do you swim? I used to go to Typhoon Lagoon and hang out treading water in the wave pool for long lengths of time. Great excercise and no overheating!

  87. I LOVE YOUR THINKING!! Instead of whining, you're taking the challenge to both better your health AND get into that ride!! I'm from Tinley Park, IL- right outside of Chicago. My husband, daughter and I won't be out there for awhile (she's only 2!), but I CAN'T WAIT to go to Harry Potter World!!!!!

  88. you're wonderful, I really love what you're doing for yourself. Keep working hard. lots of love.

  89. I'm Lisa from Maine.
    I went from 218 in September 2009 to 170 today 6/25/2010.
    Soda is difficult (Coke's my favorite)but you won't regret giving it up. That plus not eating after 7:30pm and trying to do 3 miles on the treadmill 5 days/week. Best wishes on your journey, Banks!!

  90. Dear Banks,

    I am glad you found the inspiration to make a change. I quit pop/soft drinks too about two years or so ago. The thing I miss the most is root beer floats, but I do not miss the pounds or feeling heavy and tired.

    You can do it!
    -John (Seattle, WA)

  91. Good Luck Banks!!!
    I admire your determination and I wish more people took this attitude and became healthier!

  92. Just saw a shout out to you and your blog on Yahoo. I had heard about this utterly ri-dic-u-lous issue, but as i am six feet and 305, I guess it would be pointless to make a trip down there at this time. I guess I'll need to do a form of three clicks diet myself....Wish there was a spell for this sort of thing...lol. Good luck with your journey!

    Out from Ct.

  93. Good for you, dude!

    All the overweight people who can't ride HP at Universal and are crying about it are ignoring the simple solution: eat well and live a healthy life.

    Guess what? After a few months of work, you can ride Harry Potter and you'll enjoy your life a lot more.

    And you won't be such an embarrassment to the rest of America.

  94. I'm nomadic, actually. At the moment I am living in the Ozarks, Arkansas, but I am moving in a couple of weeks.

    I am so happy that you're striving for this. You are a role model, and I hope that other people will realize how good you are being to yourself and try as well. It may be hard, but in the end, you will feel the satisfaction of winning against this personal struggle. :) I am with you.

  95. Here's wishing you the best on your endeavor. I hope that along the way, you can share with us some awesome health tips. :-)

    You're doing it, just keep going on. You've got so many days behind you now!

  96. wow-to your whole story, wow to anyone who quits soda. wow for blogging on your journey! have to give you credit for that!!
    i don't think you ever really know how addicted you are untill you can't have it (soda). i say can't because that's my case (lap band prevents me) i still have dreams of opening up a nice cold can of diet pepsi! i don't plan on giving it up forever, i don't have much more to lose so there is light @ the end of the tunnel for me.
    but honestly...i wish you luck on your weight loss and hope to see pictures of you posted soon on your Harry Potter ride!!!
    xxxGennifer from Arizona ;)

  97. I am from Salisbury, North Carolina! I look forward to reading your posts and following your journey through your weight loss :)

  98. Hi there,

    Your blog was linked from the lead story on Yahoo.com on 6/25. I've been reading your posts and I hope you reach your goal. I'm also on a weight loss mission of my own. Stay motivated, and be sure to let us know when you reach those 3 clicks. I'll continue to follow your blog with great interest.

    Dave, New York City

  99. Congratulations on your decision to get healthy! I'm a grad student in Dallas, Texas studying nutrition and I must say I am glad you're taking a healthy approach to shaping up and losing weight. Stick with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise, and you'll be on that ride in no time!

  100. Good Luck!!!

    More people should be like you. You turned a bad thing into a good one. I know you'll loose all the wait that you need to and continue with your new lifestyle. Wish you the best and again Good Luck!!

  101. I started eating brown rice,fish,whole grain rice,plenty of water ,Coke zero,sugar free products,fat free yogurt,and started on a treadmill 20 minutes a day now at an hour a day.Lost over 60 lbs! Never dieted just ate healthy and exercised.Been overwheight all my life.Now after 30 years in better shape than I ever been!Also when I get cravings I would just buy a pack of sugar free gum and chew away

  102. Just read about you on Yahoo!'s "Movie Talk." It's an ongoing effort for my wife and me even to maintain our current weights, let alone lose weight. Your positivity, efforts, and fun goal are inspiring; keep up the good work!

    (Seattle, WA)

  103. Hey Banks - I'm from Scottsdale, Arizona. Read about your blog through yahoo. All I can say is "Way to Go!" And do NOT switch to "Diet" anything. Artificial sweeteners are WORSE for your health. Drink lots of water and herbal teas. And instead of calling it a "diet" (which most of us think of us "temporary"), call it your lifestyle change because you're getting your "life" back! Blessings to you!

  104. I just read the yahoo article that mentioned you and your quest. I was so glad to see someone take something that was disappointing and make it into a challenge! I hope you're still working on your goal!

    I'm glad you chose to try to give up soda - try crystal light! It is very good (I like pink lemonade the best)! I gave up soda over a year ago and now when I try to drink it I don't like it at all!!

    BTW - I'm up in Michigan

  105. Just wanted to say that i wanted to commend you for what you are doing...Keep up the GREAT work and soon you will get those D*&M three clicks :-P

  106. In a world where people would just rather sit back and blame everyone else for their problems you are stepping forward and taking responsibility for your life... A huge congratulations! Your attitude is so refreshing and appreciated! You will succeed at your goal - I just know it!!! :D

  107. Good luck, I am also trying to kick the soda habit.

    Also, you wanted to know where everyone is from I am from Las Vegas, NV!

  108. Way to be inspired and turn a potential negative into a positive! Hang in there and good luck - all the way from Stuttgart, Germany.

  109. I am from Sacramento, California. I spent my honeymoon last year at Disney World - I sure wish the Wizarding World of Harry Potter had been open back then!

    I think my friends and I will be planning a trip to Orlando in 2012 to go to WDW, Wizarding World, and to ride the newest Disney cruise ship. That means that I have some time to make sure my husband and I both fit into the ride seats...


  110. Hello,
    We just read of your blog in a featured article on Yahoo and my mom and I were really impressed.
    We think that it is so great that you are taking such a positive approach to this situation. This past year we have watched two very close family members die from heart disease due to weight and lifestyle issues. It is wonderful to see someone taking their life in their own hands and making some changes for the healthier!
    We wish you the best of luck and look forward to following your posts in future!
    Good luck from Maryland!

  111. I'm from Western New York and I think what you are doing is wonderful and inspirational. In a day when many choose to blame the world around them for the troubles they encounter, it takes a courageous and enlightened soul to change themselves. You are caring for yourself so that you can do the thing you have a passion for! I know that you will succeed. Thank you for setting an example for those of us wishing to be our best.

  112. Good luck, sir! I'm from Michigan originally but currently in the UK. Just went on holiday to Paris & Dublin--let me tell you, walking around in big cities for two weeks helped me go down a notch on my belt! Even with French pastries for breakfast ;) I now believe there is nothing better for weight loss than walking for hours at a time (especially since you don't sit&snack if you're out walking). Keep it up, you'll feel so much better physically and mentally, I'm sure of it. And the added bonus of the HP ride is nice, too ;)

  113. Following you from Palmdale CA. I think it's fantastic that you are trying to get healthy. My dad has lost a decent chunk of weight over the last few years and the entire family is walking and eating better. I hope that you are successful :)

  114. I have been dieting for four weeks - little bags of 100 calorie popcorn are my good friend! Way to go! Keep up the fantastic work, and if its a bad day, remember, the next day is brand spankin' new! :)

  115. Oklahoma here...I am taking off weight by eating a fruit and/or vegetable before eating anything else. Fairly effective, but not very fast...but the weight loss has been steady.

  116. Hey,

    you are an inspiration! You don't bitch about Universal Studios or rides in general. You get straight to it and take this as motivation. Amazing! I also have a whole lot to lose (50 pounds at least) and find it very hard. I will follow your blog and try to focus on my own diet and workout. We can do this together!

    All the best of luck! You rock!

    PS: Also got here through the Yahoo article. I am originally from Germany, but now live in Los Angeles.

  117. Way to go! Supporting you here in Phoenix. I read an article about the HP theme park and your challenge. I thought it was a great response and know you can do it! Will be following from hot and sunny AZ.

  118. Irvine, California. Yahoo linked to your blog, so I'm guessing the traffic is going to pick up! I just wanted to express my admiration for you and send a note of support. You embody the American spirit! Good luck to you, and thanks for sharing your journey.

  119. Dallas, Texas

    Good Luck!!!

  120. Hi Banks - I'm in Miami & I love what you are doing. I couldn't wait for WWOHP to open, then in May, I found out I was pregnant! Looks like I'll be waiting until next year to go on the FJ!

  121. Hi, I live just outside Pittsburgh, PA. Good luck with your plan! You mentioned a couple of times that your friend got on with two clicks, but I think you got the better end of the deal--the motivation to get in shape! I'm working on my weight, too. I'd like to lose about 45 pounds but it's slow going! I've been enjoying your blog...

  122. I'm from Point Pleasant, NJ. I think this a wonderful thing your doing for your health and for future fun activities you want to do. very inspiring and I wish you the most success and happiness along your journey. I hope others that were turned away from the ride read your blog and unite with you creating a powerful group of people with a strong desire.

    Oh, hey, try eating fruit in the morning, it fills you up and detoxifies you which in turn, gives you more energy to walk longer. :-)

    You go Banks!! :-)

  123. I'm from Connecticut! Wow, that sounds like hard work, you are so inspiring. Definitely keep it up!

  124. *Waving to you from Cleveland*
    Best of luck to you! You can do anything you set your mind to! Never give up!!!

  125. Hi I gave up diet coke and dropped 10 pounds.I stopped craving other things like sweets and chips, i feel 100% better-now i don't touch anything with artificial sweetners.

    Orange County, California

  126. Sending you a smile from Kentucky...I think it is awesome that you are doing this. You have taken a negative experience and are turning it into a positive & inspiring thing. Thanks so much! You have given me the push I needed to try to tackle some of my own weight issues. :)

  127. I'm from the panhandle of FL and I think what you are doing is awesome! Soft drinks are def. the hardest thing to cut out of diet. I'm trying to cut it out completely but it is hard! Best of luck to you!

  128. Just checking in, here in Oklahoma. I only wish you the best of luck. I know that it won't be easy, but you can do it. Have faith, it will pay off.

  129. I am from the nice suburban area of Pennsylvania. I found out about your blog on a recent Yahoo! article about the ride restrictions. :( My sister is going to the WWOHP in a couple of weeks!!

  130. Switch from soda to juice!! The more natural the better.... you'll be surprised at how fast you'll adjust and not feel the need for soda that often anymore. Good luck :)
    - Kingston, Jamaica

  131. Hello. This is my first comment here so GOOD LUCK (not that I really believe in luck, but hey, what can I say, I hope you persevere and it pays off? Actually that doesn't sound half bad).

    Anyways, rambling aside, I'm from Perth, Australia.

  132. I'm here in San Marcos, TX. Originally from Clarksville, TN. Good luck!

  133. Good luck from Chicago, IL! I need to loose weight too and your mission is an inspiration. I went to the park on opening day and it sure was jam packed. I did get into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter part of the park, but the lines were so long that I only got to see the outside of the buildings before my tired feet had to head home. I'm not complaining though, I was so excited just to see the little bit I did. I got to ride the ride you are working towards and I have to admit it was a tight fit. When the ride stopped 3 times for technical problems it felt a little claustrophobic. My hope is to go back when the crowds slow down, it isn't so hot out, and I hope to be a few pounds lighter.

  134. I know this is a couple days late but I just found out about your blog! I'm from Kentucky! I will definatly be keeping up with your blog though.

  135. Hi from BROOKLYN NY! Your victory will be all of ours! All the best and good keep going-its mind over matter! Your mind is made up so it matters!

  136. You can do it, Banks! Greetings from the Philippines!

  137. Hi :) I'm Jennifer from Iowa and I love your blog. You're taking a disheartening situation and turning into a positive life change. I really admire that. I'm planning on traveling to the park in September, but am now pretty saddened by the fact that I might not fit in this awesome sounding ride. I'm going to work my butt off (hopefully literally) for the next 11 weeks and do everything I can to make sure I can fit in those seats, even if it means an industrial girdle :P

  138. Hi Banks,

    Just read about your weight loss inspiration on Yahoo.Good luck.

  139. I've been trying to find the will power to get myself to lose some weight and your story has really inspired me. I was at Universal about 2 years ago and I had similar problems with getting on some of the rides. Good luck with the diet. I'll be rooting for you

  140. Keep up the GREAT WORK and MOTIVATION!!! I'm from Tampa. Currently, I'm following you from South Korea with our US ARMY!

  141. Hi Banks! Heard about your blog and I'm cheering you on from Biola University in Southern California!

  142. Hey Banks, I'm in Bangkok, Thailand, FYI :) and loved your story so much I've just written an article about it. Hopefully you'll get more hits to your blog (and add AdSense :)


  143. I am from northern VA, but I hope to move down to orlando within the next year!

  144. Head's up from California! Know what it's like to give up the soda. I had to wean myself off by using a little fruit juice in with ice water to make the plain water taste a little better. Water is so boring, and it seems to work, I like lemons the best. Love your efforts, you seem like an upbeat, positive person. I'll be checking in, and keep up the steam!

  145. Hi I am a California girl who's husband moved her to Utah for a job-haha. I like it here! Anyhow, I cannot wait to see your journey. I am 7 months pregnant and starting a personal fitness training program next week. I want to help change lives like you are doing yourself-keep up the awesome work!!

  146. Best wishes from Royal Oak, MI just slightly north of the "D". I've never been to FL, but I know from Cedar Point I'm probably too big for HP, so I too am getting healthier. I so need to cut the pop (soda), and tomorrow I sign up for Kung -Fu!
    Here's a tip if u plateau: change ur work-out routine to stimulate new muscle groups

  147. I really believe you will fulfill your goal, but the best part I think is that you will inspire many others to follow you.

    Don't give up, specially in the beginning when you will start to lose alot of weight and you will not notice much of a difference.

    Cheers, from a Mexican that lives in Russia =D

  148. Supporting you from Reno, Nevada - go, Banks, go!

  149. Good luck, stay safe, and be patient! I also recommend the book "Intuitive Eating" - it gets away from dieting (essentially starving the body) and moves towards forming a healthy relationship with food and eating. (The real crux of the issue).

    Bloomington, IN

  150. Athens, Greece. Keep it up! I find it amazing that a ride can inspire people that much in a matter of such vital importance for one's health. WOW! I was always a fan of Harry Potter but now I'm even more so. Let the light within you shine Banks and I truly hope you succeed in your amazing journey to the third click and beyond! Good Luck!

  151. I am from Petaluma, CA. San Francisco Bay Area. Good luck! You can do it. Add some weight bearing exercise to your routine, even if they are just hand weights at home. I find that and floor exercises really starts trimming my middle!

  152. I think it is just awesome that you've taken this as a challenge rather than an opportunity for litigation, as many no doubt will! GOOD FOR YOU!! You are the one who will benefit the fullest from your quest. I can't wait to see how well you do. Giving up sodas was a great first step, and one you will reap much results from. Will be keeping up with your progress....
    Bty, I'm a pharmacist from Jesup, GA.

  153. Following from Syracuse, NY. Good luck!

  154. Hello and good luck from New England! I think it's great that you have made the decision to lose weight and lead a healthier life, it's so important! The life we have is so short to begin with, we must do our best to make it last! Btw, I quit all sodas, but diet soda recently and now drink flavored water (propel, aquafresh and crystal light fitness line)they are naturally sweetened, I wanted to stay away from all artifical sweeteners..and there's a ton out there, so find some you like and drink away!;)

    Can't wait to see a pic of you riding that ride! Best of luck, stay strong and "move n burn"!

  155. Hay. I'm from Brooklyn, NY. I enjoy the Harry Potter movies, though I am not so much a fan as some people I know. I do have a couple of good jokes and whoppers I tell, though. Maybe later.

    I am also trying to lose a bit of weight, though my weight status is nowhere near yours, but it is also so that I can more effectively do something I love to do.

    Keep up with it, and I hope that your sucess not only helps you ride the ride, but also opens up new doorways to life and success in the future!

  156. I just read the article about you on Yahoo news. Way to go! I personally know someone else who had the same experience as you and also let it be a motivator. I am proud of the way you took this situation to make it better for you instead of blaming the park and creating a negative experience. I've needed motivation myself and you have certainly given that. Best of luck!

  157. I was so inspired by your story and I think that you took such a positive outlook on the situation you were in. This story has inspired me to focus on my own weight goals.
    Best of Luck!
    p.s. I hope to see you on the ride soon!!

  158. Hi Banks,
    Im Phyllis and I'm from Marietta,Ga. You have been such an insperation to me. I think you are amazing. You took something that could have been negative and turned it into such a positive that it is truely amazing.Way to go!
    Be Blessed.

  159. Hi Banks! Greetings from the Asia (Philippines)! You are such an inspiration. Keep up the workout and the positive attitude! Kudos!

  160. I have been working at losing weight too. It has been VERY hard to give up Pepsi. I have cut back now and slowly drinking lass and less. I am in the Tampa area in our great state of Florida. I will be following your blog. Keep up the good work.

  161. Hello There!! I'm from Puerto Rico and I know that if I go right now and seat on that chair it will not even give me half click! (^_^) That is why starting today I will stop drinking soda, eating healthier and walking arround the neightborhood!!!! Hopefully in October I will hear!! cliCK!clICK!!CLICK! Good Luck to all of us who are strugling with this illness!!!!!

  162. congrats on quitting soda! you'll find that's the difference maker in weight loss (well, that and juice - anything sweetened). stick to ice water - you won't believe how good it tastes when you get used to it.
    looking forward to hearing how your life changes. you're doing great - keep it up!

  163. Columbus, Ohio!!! and my friend and I are rooting for you! She's a heavy muggle and we are planning a trip for next year, when she saw this she decided to follow in your footsteps...so keep it up!

  164. Cheering you on from Idaho!

  165. Houston Texas! And I hope you accomplish your goal! That's awesome what your doing (:

  166. Hello from Jacksonville, FL

    I first have to say that I have a lot of respect for you and the attitude you have towards this ride. A lot of people would be upset at universal instead of trying to remedy the problem.
    I have been steadily losing weight for my upcoming wedding and have found the best way to do it is by counting my calories.. sites like myfitnesspal.com are not only free, but are easy to use. Also to help with the soda withdrawals I started drinking crystal light.. It helps me get my 8 cups of water a day plus flavors the boring water.
    Good luck buddy

  167. Following all the way from Massachusetts!

  168. What an inspiration you are! Can't wait to hear what fun you will have on the ride. Keep up the great work-your family and friends need to have someone like you around for a long time!
    BTW, I am from Maryland.

  169. Hi again Banks from upstate NY!!! Keep up the great work and remember even DIET soda is not the best cause of the sodium content. Lifewater by SOBE is awesome, my favorite is the fuji apple pear water. I am down 121 lbs and counting! I still have a way to go but it's all mental CAN DO!!! CANT DO is never an option anymore!

  170. Banks,
    This is truly an inspirational story! I am 5'5" and currently 218 lbs. Last summer I was 270 lbs. and experienced the discomfort of being squeezed into seats until 'the click.' I live in KC and was going to World's of Fun. My cousins work there & told me which rides had smaller seats that I wouldn't be able to go on and to use the 'outside' seat on inverted rides because they were a little bigger. I vowed to lose weight so that I could enjoy the amusement parks more with my kids.

    I myself have been on a diet for 10 months. I lost 20 lbs. at the start and that was so exciting, that I just kept going! I myself hate exercise, so I do alot of yardwork and gardening & making extra trips while I'm cleaning. I wear a pedometer and always walked at least 10,000 steps a day. Then I set lager goals for steps/day.

    I cut out all pre-packaged or prepared foods and stuck with only cooking with fresh ingredients. I'm a carnivore, so I didn't cut out the meat, but I make sure to have fish and chicken at least onece a week!

    One of my best diet hints, is to cut out dressing on sandwiches & salads. I mix avocados with jalapeno juice and lime juice and use it like mayo. I dice avocados & put on salads & balsamic or red wine vinegar for dressing. I've found that vinegar and jalapeno juice curb apetites.

    I wish you the best of luck from KC, KS!

  171. Writing from Perth, Australia.....Great work Banks!

  172. Following from Pittsburgh, PA.

    Good Luck!!!

  173. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    all the best to you;-)

  174. I'm from Kenosha, WI. I gave up soda for a year and a half, started drinking it again but this time it was still caffiene free soda. I was a major MT. Dew junkie, took me a while to get over it. But I've decided to stop drinking soda again and I might just make that a life change.

  175. I'm from Youngstown, Ohio, and I'll be following your progress and cheering you on!

  176. Hi Banks I read Your blog and sent You an e-mail about Susan Powter I hope You recieved that e-mail The program is fantastic You really dont feel like You on on a diet I guess because You can still drink sodas and eat junk food once in awhile.as far as a scale goes dont use them If You get the Susan Powter Program it should come with a fat calliper scales are no good,when someone uses a scale they should be weighing blood,bone,muscle,etc any way I know You will have Great Sucess!! by the way I live in Jax FL

  177. Hi Banks I have read Your blog and I am wanting to let You know to keep at it I sent You an e-mail about the Susan Powter Program I really Hope You take a look at it ! And forget the scales ! If You do Purchase the Susan Powter program it comes with a fat calliper in order to use a scale someone would need to weigh blood,bone,muscle,etc and You can also get Susuan Powter cook book Comon America Lets Eat its not really a diet,Its great food and You are never hungry You can even still have a soda and cakes once in awhile its a life style.I Just know You will have Great Sucess!!!By The way I live in Jax FL

  178. Old Orchard Beach, Maine

  179. Hi, Im from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I will be down in Florida in December and will visit Universal. Good luck with the weight lose. I have been trying myself and gave up on the soda. It is very hard. Take Care.

  180. I'm watching from the St. Louis area, on Illinois' side of the river. I hope you achieve your goal!

  181. I started reading your blog from day 1 and I have to say it's very inspirational. Keep up the hard work. Advice from others is good but ultimately you have to keep healthy in a way that suits and works for you! I am reading all the way from London in the UK.


  182. I am reading from Seymour, Indiana

  183. Following you from Fort Wayne, IN. Keep up the awesome attitude!!! So inspiring.

  184. Hello!!! Congratulations...you're inspiring me!!! La Puente, California


  185. Hey Banks! Sending you encouragement from the Great Northwest, specifically Oregon! I hope to run the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon in Orlando this February, maybe I'll see you then. Keep up the great work - the first couple months are the hardest, then it's all about sticking to your new routine. =)

  186. Positive attitude and a positive goal. You are already a winner, Banks! After you reach your goal, you will have developed a solid platform for your new career as a motivational speaker. Best wishes from London, England.
